Epistory - Typing Chronicles
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Epistory - Typing Chronicles

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Windows 10Windows 11Windows 7Windows 8Windows 8.1

Epistory - Typing Chronicles is a beautiful story about finding inspiration, solving mysteries and becoming a better writer. It's a must-try title!

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Write your way through an artistic and beautiful story about a writer chasing her muse.

Epistory - Typing Chronicles is a game like no other! Walk through a world that unfolds around you as origami artwork, where the gameplay is all about writing your own story. You are a writer chasing her muse, typing your way through every scene. Not only is this game extremely fun, but it's also a great way to train your brain to type better and faster. Try Epistory - Typing Chronicles today!
  • play as a writer, chasing her muse
  • explore a beautiful world of origami art
  • touch up your typing skills with a completely unique gameplay style
  • find the magic power of words in this epic adventure