Take your place in history by completing the Great Wall in Building the Great Wall of China 2 Platinum Edition! Direct your workers and protect them from threats as you manage your time effectively. Our Building the Great Wall of China 2 Walkthrough will provide all the tips and tricks needed, including an Achievements section and an included video walkthrough to help guide you as you complete each level.


Basic Gameplay, Tips, and Tricks

Welcome to the Building the Great Wall of China 2 walkthrough. This section will guide you through the basic gameplay and mechanics, familiarize you with boosts and threats, and finally walk you through a series of useful tips, tricks, and hints for your journey.

Building the Great Wall of China

The primary goal of each level is to complete a section of the Great Wall of China. Each level presents unique challenges, resources, and layouts. Objectives will be listed on the left side of your screen and shown at the start of each level. Click on the arrow if you forget. Collect resources and build structures which will give you additional resources needed to complete sections of the wall. Unique threats may appear per level. They include:

  • Lightning – Lightning may strike, burning one of your structures. The structure will not be able to provide more resources until the fire has been put out.
  • Nomad Attacks – Occasionally, the clock will stop and a large group of nomads will attack. Click on the nomads to defeat them. Failing to do so in a timely manner could prove fatal to your settlement and cause buildings to catch fire, so be quick!
  • Wizards – Wandering wizards may appear from time to time, causing your workers to flee in a panic. Wizards will set fire to structures. The structure won’t produce more resources until the fire has been extinguished.
Building the Great Wall of China 2 Wizard Attack

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Wizard Attack

Obstructions may also block your path. Use your workers and resources to clear them and complete the level’s objectives before the timer runs out. The timer can be found on the left side of your screen. Stars will indicate the score and ranking you will receive if you complete the level before the bar empties past that point. The higher your score, the more coins you’ll earn. Coins can be used to purchase Upgrades for your structures.

Various boosts are also available to help you complete each level in a timely fashion. They are:

  • Hourglass – Time to complete the level stops for some time.
  • Resource Pile – All available resources spawn at once.
  • Wall Pyramid – The Wall costs 50% less.
  • Boot – Workers move at a faster rate.
  • Scales – All your resources are shuffled and divided equally.


Upgrades can be viewed and purchased via the Upgrades tab, accessible from the game map Level Select. Earn coins to purchase upgrades by completing levels, thwarting nomad attacks, and earning achievements. Purchasing upgrades will give you the ability to upgrade your buildings and structures in-game, allowing you to achieve higher scores and complete levels with flying colors. Click on the “i” icon next to a building to view more information.

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Upgrades

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Upgrades


A number of Artifacts can be found as you make your way through the game. If an Artifact can be found during a level, it will be listed in the level’s objectives. Refer to the Building the Great Wall of China 2 Walkthrough below to see in which levels Artifacts can be found.

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Artifacts

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Artifacts

Collector’s Edition Bonus Game

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Platinum Edition features an extra bonus game which you can access from the main menu. Defend your camp from waves of attacking enemies! How long can you last? The game will end when your settlement has run out of health.

This game is very similar to the nomad attacks you will encounter throughout various levels. You may use several bonuses during this game using any extra coins you may have. These bonuses include:

  • Freeze attackers and their projectiles.
    • Cost: 50 coins
  • Reduce damage to your camp.
    • Cost: 50 coins
  • Slow attackers and their projectiles.
    • Cost: 50 coins
  • Defeat all visible enemies
    • Cost: 100 coins
  • Restore your health points
    • Cost: 100 coins

Additional Tips and Tricks

Whether you’re looking for ways to complete levels faster or simply earn extra coins, this section will provide you with the tips and tricks needed to continue building the Great Wall of China without incident. Additional tips and tricks which may prove useful include:

  • Nomads may drop coins when you defeat them during attacks. Click on coins to collect them and use them for upgrades later.
Building the Great Wall of China 2 Nomad Attack

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Nomad Attack

  • When Wizards attack your camps, workers will drop everything they are doing. This includes working on the wall. If you had a 50% off wall bonus activated, and the worker is scared off, it will not be completed and the full price will be reinstated.
  • If a worker is upgrading a building when a Wizard attacks, they will continue upgrading that structure until it’s finished.
  • Deposit extra resources per level in the Caravan. This will allow you to use these extra resources to gain an advantage during the next level. However, if you restart or fail that level, you will lose your resource bonus.
  • Before the start of each level, the screen will be darkened. Use this opportunity to hover your cursor over the various structures and resources on the map and strategize before the clock starts. When you’re ready, click anywhere to begin.
  • Tasks can be stacked. A check mark will indicate what your next task is, followed by a sequence of numbers depending on how many tasks you have stacked. To cancel a task, simply click on the object associated with the task again, and the action will be cancelled.
  • Arrows next to structures will indicate whether or not they can be upgraded. Once an arrow turns green, it means you have enough resources to upgrade that structure.
  • Three colors of arrows will appear over sections of the Great Wall which still need to be build. Green indicates you can reach that section of wall, as well as build it. A red arrow indicates you can reach that section of wall, but lack the resources necessary to complete it. A grey arrow means your path to that section of wall is currently blocked off.
  • Always use your boosts! Boosts are shown at the bottom of the screen and will give you a bonus for a short period of time. But be careful when you use boosts as a result of this. When you use a boost, the entire meter will automatically recharge. So, for example: If your first boost is a speed boost you want to use, but you wait until the bar is filled until the third boost available, clicking on the first boost will reset the bar entirely. Therefore, it’s better to use the first boost right away, thus gaining an extra one or two boost chances due to shorter recharge time.
  • An important focus on each level is to try and get your structures built as quickly as possible. That way, they will turn out resources while you work on completing other tasks. Always put priority on restoring these over collecting artifacts.
  • Once a structure has produced a resource, it will not produce additional resources until the resource it’s turned out has been collected. Keep a sharp eye out and collect resources as often as possible. It’s often a good idea to hire an additional worker by upgrading your Main Camp. This way, one worker can always be collecting resources while the other works on completing tasks.
  • Building a Storehouse won’t only give you a resource bonus; it will allow you to have another place to deposit materials. Use this to your advantage, especially in levels where the Main Camp is far away from the Mines or other structures. If a Storehouse lies halfway between them, it’ll only take workers half the time to deposit materials, making things much faster.
  • Once you’ve reached the maximum amount of resources you need for a task, consider no longer gathering materials from affiliated structures. In this way, you can prioritize your manpower.
  • If a Wizard or lightning bolt catch a structure on fire that you no longer need, and you are busy with other tasks, consider leaving it ablaze to save time.
  • The easiest way to complete the Great Wall, especially in later levels, is to use the 50% off boost and build as much of the wall as possible during the stint of time it’s active.
Building the Great Wall of China 2 Wall 50 Percent Discount Tactic

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Wall 50 Percent Discount Tactic

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Walkthrough

LEVELS 1 – 10

Construction on the Great Wall of China starts in the lower grasslands leading up to the mountains. Familiarize yourself with the game and its mechanics as you make your way through the first levels.

Level 1

Objective: Build the wall (3 left)

  • Gather income from one stone pile.
  • Repair the three sections of wall to the right.
Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 1

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 1

Level 2

Objective: Build the wall (3 left); Build the Farm

  • Gather berries for Food and chop trees for Wood.
  • Build the Farm. This will provide you with steady Food resources.
  • Mine the stone in the surrounding area to gain enough resources to repair the wall to the right.

Level 3

Objective: Build the wall (4 left); Collect the artifact; Build the Quarry

  • Chop trees in the surrounding area to gather enough Wood to build the Sawmill.
  • The artifact is located up the winding path to the left.
  • Use your resources to build the Quarry, then use the resources from the Quarry to build the wall.

Level 4

Objective: Build the wall (5 left); Build the Fisherman’s Hut

  • Gather berries for Food and chop trees for Wood until you have enough resources to build the Fisherman’s Hut.
  • Next, gather resources to build the Quarry.
  • Build up the sections of wall to the left to finish the level.

Level 5

Objective: Build the wall (6 left); Build the Sawmill

  • Build the Farm, then the Sawmill, followed by the Quarry.
  • Repair the wooden bridge across the river to reach the wall.
  • Storms can crop up during this level. If lighting strikes, it can burn your structures, and you will need to repair them before they can give you resources again.

Level 6

Objective: Build the wall (8 left)

  • Chop trees in the surrounding area to gather enough Wood to build the Farm.
  • Once the Farm is built, focus on the Quarry.
  • Mine from the nearby Gold in order to remove the large stone boulder blocking a section of the wall. Once that’s gone, you can build it as per normal.

Level 7

Objective: Build the wall (8 left); Collect the artifact

  • Gather berries for Food and Wood from the trees to build the Farm first.
  • Next, build the Sawmill.
  • Repair the wooden bridge to the south to reach the Quarry and the lower portion of the wall.
  • The artifact is north of the previously described area. You will need to build two additional wooden bridges to reach it.
  • Storms may appear during this level. Be careful of any lightning strikes that may set your structures on fire.

Level 8

Objective: Build the wall (9 left); Collect the artifact

  • Build the Fisherman’s Hut to the lower right to produce additional Food resources.
  • Build the Sawmill, followed by the Quarry.
  • All sections of the wall can be reached easily from the south.
  • To reach the artifact, repair the stone and wooden bridges to the north. You will also need to clear a fallen tree log, so you will need to gather from the nearby Gold, too.
  • Again, storms may roll in during this level. Be prepared in the even any of your structures catch fire.

Level 9

Objective: Build the Fort; Build the wall (6 left); Collect the artifact

  • Build the Farm, followed by the Sawmill.
  • Repair the hanging bridge to reach the second portion of the level.
  • Build the Quarry to immediately start producing Stone resources. The Fort is right next to it.
  • The artifact is in the lower left corner, just past the Great Wall.
  • There is a Wizard which will show up during this level and burn down one of your structures. Any tasks your workers are currently doing will immediately be cancelled as they run for cover.

Level 10

Night has fallen, but there’s objects to be found! Click on the lantern sitting on the ground in order to see around the area. When you find an item listed at the bottom of the screen, click on it to cross it off the list. Find all the objects to move onward to the next area.

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 10

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 10

LEVELS 11 – 20

The snow-covered mountains are the next stretch of the journey in building the Great Wall of China. Traverse the treacherous slopes to complete the next giant section of the wall.

Level 11

Objective: Build the wall (9 left); Build the Gold Mine

  • Pumpkins will act as your natural Food resource in this area.
  • Build the Farm, followed by the Sawmill.
  • Once these two are built, repair the ladder to reach the Quarry.
  • Repair the wooden bridge to the south to reach the lower section of the wall, as well as the Gold Mine.

Level 12

Objective: Build the wall (8 left)

  • Gather pumpkins as your food source and focus on restoring the Quarry.
  • If you’re not able to sustain yourself on pumpkins, build the Farm.
  • Remove the snow piles and large stone to gain access to building the wall.

Level 13

Objective: Build the wall (6 left); Build the Fort

  • Restore the Sawmill, Gold Mine, and Coal Mines first.
  • Remove the pile of snow to gain access to the Quarry and Farm.
  • Repair the wooden bridge to gain access to the Great Wall.
  • Repair the stone bridge to gain access to the Fort.
  • Nomads may attack during this level.
Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 13

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 13

Level 14

Objective: Build the wall (7 left); Collect the artifact; Build the Fort

  • Focus on restoring all the structures first.
  • Clear the fallen wood log to gain access to the Quarry.
  • Clear the snow piles to build the sections of the Great Wall.
  • Repair the ladders to gain access to the artifact and the Fort.
  • Wizards may attack during this level.

Level 15

Objective: Build the wall (9 left); Build the Fort

  • Restore and build all structures first.
  • Clear the snow piles to gain access to building the sections of the Great Wall.
  • Clear the snow piles, the fallen wood log, and repair the stone bridge to gain access to the Fort and the second portion of the Great Wall.
  • Nomads may attack during this level.
  • Wizards may attack during this level.

Level 16

Objective: Build the wall (9 left)

  • Bonuses will become available for the first time during this level.
  • Build the Quarry first.
  • Build the Sawmill, Gold Mine, and Fisherman’s Hut next.
  • Clear the piles of snow to gain access to building the Great Wall.

Level 17

Objective: Build the wall (9 left)

  • Build the Sawmill, then repair the wooden bridge.
  • Build the Gold Mine next to gather enough resources to repair the hanging bridges.
  • Build the Quarry and other structures upon crossing the first bridge.
  • Repair the second hanging bridge to gain access to the Great Wall.

Level 18

Objective: Build the wall (10 left); Collect the artifact

  • Restore the Sawmill.
  • Repair the ladder and mine the rich gold vein at the top.
  • Repair the hanging bridges to gain access to the Quarry and the Farm.
  • Repair the additional hanging bridges to gain access to the artifact.
  • Restore the gold mine structure last.

Level 19

Objective: Build the wall (7 left); Build the Fort

  • Gather pumpkins to keep your food source supplied.
  • Build the Sawmill first.
  • Build the Gold Mine next.
  • Repair the wooden bridge on the left to gain access to the gold and one section of the Great Wall.
  • Repair the wooden bridge to the south to gain access to the Quarry and the second section of the Great Wall.

Level 20

You’ll be transported to a hidden object area in the frozen tundra. Click on the torch to pick it up, moving it around to melt the ice and reveal the objects beneath. Find all the objects listed at the bottom of the screen to proceed to the next area. There is a Hint button on the lower left if you need it. Hints are unlimited but require time to recharge.

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 20

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 20

LEVELS 21 – 30

The beautiful lush lower mountains are colorful and vibrant. But there’s no time to relax just yet. There’s still a wall to be built!

Level 21

Objective: Build the wall (8 left); Build the Fort

  • Restore the Sawmill first.
  • Repair the wooden bridge on the right to gain access to the Quarry and the lower section of the Great Wall.
  • Repair the wooden bridge to the north to gain access to the northern section of the Great Wall.
  • Wizards may attack during this level.

Level 22

Objective: Build the wall (7 left); Collect the artifact

  • Gather strawberries as your food source.
  • Build the Lightning Rod as quickly as possible; this area is plagued with storms which can light your structures on fire.
  • Build the Sawmill. You will need to repair the wooden bridge to reach the Quarry.
  • Build the Coal and Gold Mines.
  • Restore the hanging bridges to gain access to the Great Wall.
  • Collect the artifact last.

Level 23

Objective: Build the wall (7 left); Build the Fort

  • Build the Sawmill first.
  • Repair the wooden bridge to gain access to the Farm and the Quarry.
  • Clear the fallen tree logs and the large stones to repair the Great Wall.
  • The Fort is located up on the hill behind the Great Wall in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • Nomads may attack during this level.

Level 24

Objective: Build the wall (8 left); Collect the artifact

  • Build the Sawmill, the Gold Mine, and the Coal Mine.
  • Build the Lightning Rod to prevent lightning strikes from burning down your buildings.
  • Restore the lift to reach the Quarry.
  • Clear the fallen tree log to gain access to the upper section of the Great Wall.
  • Repair the hanging bridge to gain access to the lower section of the Great Wall.
  • The artifact is hidden behind a large stone boulder just beyond the lower section of the Great Wall.
Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 24

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 24

Level 25

Objective: Build the wall (9 left); Collect the artifact

  • Repair the hanging bridges to gain access to the ladders.
  • Repair the ladders to gain access to the various sections of the Great Wall.
  • Destroy the stone boulder blocking the path to reach the left portion of the Great Wall.
  • The artifact is located just below the first hanging bridge on the left.

Level 26

Objective: Build the wall (10 left)

  • Build the wooden bridge to the south to gain access to the Quarry and the Lightning Rod.
  • Repair the bridges on the right to gain access to the cliffs.
  • Build ladders to reach the top of the cliff and gain access to the Great Wall.

Level 27

Objective: Build the wall (10 left)

  • You will need to restore the ladders to gain access to the left and middle portions of the cliff.
  • It is possible to complete this level without restoring the hanging bridge or the Fisherman’s Hut.
  • Build the wooden bridge to the south to access the Quarry, and the wooden bridge to the northwest to access the Coal Mine.

Level 28

Objective: Build the wall (8 left); Collect the artifact

  • Build the wooden bridge to the north, then build the Sawmill and Gold Mine.
  • Build the ladder to the south to access the Farm and the artifact.
  • Restore the hanging bridges to gain access to the Great Wall.

Level 29

Objective: Build the wall (8 left); Collect the artifact; Build the Fort

  • You will need to build the lift system to be able to get to the artifact on the cliff in the upper right corner.
  • The Fort is located in the lower right corner after repairing the bridge.
  • Finish building the Great Wall last, after restoring the Fort and collecting the artifact.

Level 30

The hidden objects in this area are tiny! Click on the magnifying lens to have a closer look around. Click on the objects listed at the bottom of the screen. Hints are unlimited, but require time to recharge. Once you’ve found all the carefully hidden objects, you will be able to proceed to the next area.

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 30

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 30

LEVELS 31 – 40

It’s off to the arid desert as the fourth great section of the wall lies in wait of building. Survive the dry climate and conquer the scorching sand!

Level 31

Objective: Build the wall (9 left); Build the Fort

  • Focus on building the structures in the north portion of this level first.
  • The Quarry is located past the hanging bridge on the lower left.
  • The Fort can also be found near the Quarry.
  • Repair the hanging bridge on the lower right to gain access to the rightmost section of the Great Wall.

Level 32

Objective: Build the wall (9 left); Collect the artifact

  • The artifact is located on a cliff on the left side of your screen. You will need to build wooden bridges to access the north territory, then repair the ladder to climb the cliff.
  • Repair the lift system to transport a worker to the other end of the map. You will need to build a ladder once on the other side to reach the artifact.
  • Clear the meteorites and piles of sand to gain access to the building sites of the Great Wall.
  • Pumpkins will act as your food source here, so be sure to collect them often.

Level 33

Objective: Build the wall (11 left); Collect the artifact; Build the Fort

  • Build the Sawmill and the Quarry first.
  • Repair the hanging bridge to the south to gain access to the artifact.
  • Repair the ladder near the Farm to reach the Fort.
  • Clear the meteorites and piles of sand to start building the Great Wall.
  • Nomads may attack during this level.

Level 34

Objective: Build the wall (12 left); Build the Fort

  • The Fort is immediately accessible right from the start, so build this last since you have easy access.
  • Build the Farm, followed by the Sawmill. Use these resources to repair the wooden bridges over the streams to gain access to the Quarry, the Coal Mine, and the Great Wall.

Level 35

Objective: Build the wall (10 left)

  • Build the Sawmill first.
  • Build the Storehouse up on the cliff to save time when collecting Wood resources from the Sawmill. You may need to build the stone bridge south of the Main Camp to acquire the resources to do this.
  • You will need to repair the wooden bridge to the north to gain access to the Quarry.
  • There are many pumpkins here, so you may not need to build the Fisherman’s Hut to acquire the Food resources you need.
Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 35

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 35

Level 36

Objective: Build the wall (12 left); Collect the artifact

  • Restore the Sawmill first and foremost.
  • Use the natural resources of the area to restore the wooden bridges to the left, giving you access to the Gold Mine.
  • Repair the hanging bridge on the right to gain access to the Quarry.
  • Build wooden bridges to the north to gain access to the Great Wall.
  • The artifact can be reached by going south. You will need to repair a wooden bridge just below the Main Camp, then repair a ladder and clear a pile of sand to reach it.

Level 37

Objective: Build the wall (11 left); Build the Fort

  • Build the Sawmill first.
  • Use the surrounding resources to gain the materials necessary to reach the other portions of the map.
  • The Fort is located just past the Coal Mine, below the Monk’s Temple. You will need to repair a hanging and wooden bridge to reach it.

Level 38

Objective: Build the wall (14 left); Collect the artifact; Build the Fort

  • Place priority on building the Sawmill and the Gold Mine first.
  • The Quarry is located on the lower right and easy to miss. You will need to clear 3 piles of sand to get to it.
  • The artifact is sitting next to the Quarry.
  • You will need to repair the first hanging bridge on the left to reach the wall, and the second to reach the Fort.
  • Wizards may attack during this level.

Level 39

Objective: Build the wall (12 left); Collect the artifact

  • Repair the wooden bridge to the north first to reach the Farm and the Sawmill.
  • The only way to reach the rightmost portion of the level is to work your way around the area in a clockwise direction from the Main Camp.
  • The artifact can be reached by repairing the stone bridge to the south.

Level 40

A sandstorm has come and obscured all the items from view! Find the objects listed at the bottom of the screen. Click on the brush lying on the ground and move your cursor around to sweep the sand out of view. Once the object beneath has been uncovered, you can click on it to strike it from the list. Hints are available, but require time to recharge.

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 40

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 40

LEVELS 41 – 50

You’re nearing the ocean, and the foggy lower coast presents the final leg of your journey as you build the Great Wall.

Level 41

Objective: Build the wall (10 left); Build the Fort

  • Build the Sawmill first.
  • Repair the ladder leading up the nearby cliff to reach the Gold Mine.
  • Build the wooden bridge just below the Main Camp to reach the Farm.
  • Repair all the wooden bridges to the north to reach the Quarry.
  • The Fort is located in the lower left corner of the area, beyond a fallen tree log blocking a portion of the Great Wall.
  • Nomads may attack during this level.

Level 42

Objective: Build the wall (10 left); Build the Fort

  • Gather resources in the immediate area in order to repair the wooden bridge to the right and reach the Sawmill.
  • Next, build the Quarry, then repair the wooden bridge so you can reach the Gold Mine.
  • The Farm and Storehouse can be reached by repairing the wooden bridges to the south.
  • The Fort is located toward the upper left. You will need to repair a wooden bridge to reach it.

Level 43

Objective: Build the wall (11 left); Build the Fort

  • Build the Sawmill first.
  • Repair the series of bridges to the south to reach the other structures.
  • Building the Storehouse is essential in this level in order to save time.
  • The Fort can be accessed by repairing wooden bridges on the lower left, then finally building a ladder.
  • Nomads may attack during this level.

Level 44

Objective: Build the wall (11 left); Build the Fort

  • Build the Sawmill first, followed by the Farm.
  • Repair the ladder to the south to reach the Quarry. The Coal Mine is also tucked away here.
  • You will need to repair all bridges spanning to the east to reach the wall.
  • The Fort is located to the east beyond the wall. You will need to build two additional bridges to reach it.
  • Your camp could be attacked by nomads in this level.
Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 44

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 44

Level 45

Objective: Build the wall (11 left); Collect the artifact

  • There are many wooden bridges which need to be built during this level, so place priority on building the Sawmill and gathering Wood resources.
  • The Gold and Coal Mines are located on the lower left.
  • The Storehouse and Quarry are on the lower right. The Farm is on the upper right.
  • Try to get to the Lightning Rod and build it as quickly as possible. This level has many storms, any of which could easily burn your structures and grind resource production to a halt.
  • Repair the ladder to the south to gain access to the wall. The artifact can also be found here.

Level 46

Objective: Build the wall (13 left); Build the Fort

  • Place priority on building the Farm and the Sawmill first.
  • The Quarry can be reached by repairing the two wooden bridges to the left of the Main Camp. The Fort is also located just past the first bridge.
  • Repair the stone bridge to the south to reach the Gold Mine.
  • You will need to repair the series of wooden bridges to the east to reach the various sections of the wall.
  • Wizards can attack in this level, so be careful!

Level 47

Objective: Build the wall (13 left)

  • The Sawmill is located on the far right. You will need to fix the wooden bridge to the west to reach the Quarry, and repair an additional ladder to the south to reach the Gold Mine.
  • Keep in mind that structures are far away from each other during this level, so building the Lightning Rod to prevent fires, and upgrading your Main Camp to have more workers is key.
  • Repair the ladder to the south to reach the Gold Mine.
  • All sections of the wall in this level are immediately accessible. The challenge will be managing the gathering of your resources.

Level 48

Objective: Build the wall (14 left); Collect the artifact

  • Begin by building the Sawmill, followed by the Quarry.
  • Place a heavy emphasis on Wood resources during this level.
  • The artifact is hidden in the woods to the north.
  • You will need to repair all three southern bridges to reach all sections of the wall.
  • Try to get to the Lightning Rod and build it as quickly as possible to prevent inconvenient structure fires.

Level 49

Objective: Build the wall (14 left); Build the Fort

  • Gather local resources until you can build the Sawmill.
  • The Quarry and Storehouse are located on the lower left. You will need to repair two wooden bridges before you can reach them.
  • Repair the northwest wooden bridge to reach the upper section of the wall, as well as the Gold and Coal Mines.
  • The Fort is located due south, past a fallen tree log.
  • Be on your guard; nomads may attack your camp.

Level 50

A heavy fog has descended upon the area. Click on the fan sitting on the dock at the bottom of your screen to clear the fog away, revealing the hidden objects beneath. Find all the objects listed at the bottom of the screen to complete the level. Hints are unlimited, but require time to recharge.

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 50

Building the Great Wall of China 2 Level 50


Many achievements are available for you to unlock in the game. Simply select the “Achievements” button in the Level Select screen to view them all. Each achievement will keep track of your current progress. Complete an achievement to receive a reward! Once you’ve unlocked an achievement, click Collect to claim your reward. The following is a list of achievements you will find in Building the Great Wall of China 2 – Platinum Edition.

Resourceful Stone Miner Mine 4,000 stone while playing the game Reward: 200 Coins
Collector Collect all the trophies found in the game Reward: 50 Coins
Up Up and Away Use the Funicular 40 times Reward: 40 Coins
Ancient Astronomer Remove 40 meteorites from your path Reward: 40 Coins
Engineer Build 10 drawbridges Reward: 25 Coins
Cleaning Up 3 Remove 5 big coal veins Reward: 50 Coins
Perfect Achiever Complete all achievements Reward: 50 Coins
Sacred Spiritualist Unlock and use bonuses from tier 3 Reward: 10 Coins
Repairman Repair a building after lightning has struck it Reward: 5 Coins
Perfectionist Complete all levels from location 1 with 3 stars Reward: 20 Coins
I Have Seen It All Watch all the game cutscenes Reward: 10 Coins
No Time for Games Complete any after location mini-game with 3 stars Reward: 5 Coins
Warrior Like No Other Defeat 100 nomads Reward: 50 Coins
Warrior Like No Other 2 Defeat 200 nomads Reward: 100 Coins
Warrior Like No Other 3 Defeat 500 nomads Reward: 200 Coins
Climber Build 20 ladders Reward: 10 Coins
Climber 2 Use the ladder 200 times Reward: 50 Coins
Peak of Technology 2 Upgrade all the buildings to the maximum level Reward: 100 Coins
Resourceful Woodcutter Cut 200 trees while playing the game Reward: 200 Coins
Resourceful Food Collector Collect 1,000 berries/pumpkins while playing the game Reward: 200 Coins
Resourceful Gold Miner Mine 1,000 gold while playing the game Reward: 50 Coins
Resourceful Coal Miner Mine 400 coal while playing the game Reward: 100 Coins
Master Tactician Build the whole wall with one multitask sequence Reward: 5 Coins
Peak of Technology Upgrade all buildings to level 2 Reward: 30 Coins
Lightning Call Build the Lightning Rod that gets struck by the lightning at least once Reward: 5 Coins
Lightning Protection Build a Lightning Rod on any level Reward: 5 Coins
Big Time Spender Spend 3,000 coins on upgrades Reward: 50 Coins
Big Time Saver Collect 5,000 coins Reward: 100 Coins
Woodcutter Cut 5 trees in 2 minutes Reward: 5 Coins
Traveler Complete location 1 Reward: 10 Coins
Traveler 2 Complete location 2 Reward: 10 Coins
Traveler 3 Complete location 3 Reward: 10 Coins
Traveler 4 Complete location 4 Reward: 10 Coins
Cleaning Up Remove 20 fallen trees from your path Reward: 50 Coins
Cleaning Up 2 Remove 30 big stone veins Reward: 50 Coins
Cleaning Up 3 Remove 5 big coal veins Reward: 50 Coins
Halloween Collect 20 pumpkins in 2 minutes Reward: 20 Coins
Cleaning Up 4 Remove 50 piles of snow Reward: 20 Coins
Cleaning Up 5 Remove 40 piles of sand Reward: 20 Coins
Fisherman Collect 150 food from the fisherman’s hut Reward: 30 Coins
Spiritualist Use 50 bonuses from the monk’s hut Reward: 50 Coins
Achiever Complete 10 achievements Reward: 10 Coins
Great Achiever Complete 20 achievements Reward: 20 Coins
Greatest Achiever Complete 30 achievements Reward: 30 Coins
Devout Spiritualist Unlock and use bonuses from tier 2 Reward: 5 Coins
Any Discounts? Use the bonus that provides 50% discount for you wall Reward: 5 Coins
As Fast As They Can Use the bonus that increases worker moving rate Reward: 5 Coins
Greenhouse Effect Use the bonus where all the resources respawn at once Reward: 5 Coins
Building the Snowman Use the bonus that freezes time Reward: 5 Coins
Divided Equally Use the bonus that divides your resources equally Reward: 5 Coins

Video Walkthrough

If you’re a more visual learner, our Building the Great Wall of China 2 video walkthrough could be just the thing you need. Discover useful tips and tricks, and witness the gameplay firsthand. Our video walkthrough features all levels and artifact locations.


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The Building the Great Wall of China 2 Walkthrough is meant as a guide and does not contain cheats, hacks, or serials.