Welcome to the Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Official Walkthrough. Amber Hope is an aspiring airline stewardess whose dreams fly high in the clouds. Help make Amber’s dreams a reality as she faces personal fears and challenges. This is the official walkthrough and strategy guide for Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition and includes in-depth strategies for every level, challenge, minigame, and more! Learn how to unlock every trophy and find all hidden mice. Are you ready to take off? Choose a topic from the Contents below!
Welcome to Amber’s Airline!
Who is Amber Hope?
Meet Amber Hope – an aspiring stewardess for Snuggford Airlines. Amber has dreamed of flying to exotic destinations around the world since she was a girl. But before she can join an elite crew of air hostesses, she’ll need to pass her exams and face deep-rooted personal fears.
About the Game
Fasten your seat belt and take off in a brand new game that will make your heart soar. Amber’s Airline features 60 story-driven time management levels, 30 bonus challenges, hidden mice, trophies, and more! Get a behind-the-scenes look at the glamorous life of a flight attendant through a touching story of love and loss. Now boarding at GameHouse; click below to play:
Play Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition
General Tips & Tricks
Start your flight off right by learning the basics of Amber’s Airline – High Hopes! Learn how to play, how to earn the highest scores, and bonus tips and tricks.
How to Play
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes is a time management game. The goal of the game is to serve and assist as many passengers as possible within a set amount of time. The happier the passengers are, the higher your score will be!
Each chapter is based off a different aspect of airline travel. Passengers will enter and either ask for assistance, or for a specific product or item. A bubble will appear over the passenger’s head indicating what they need. Click on the passenger to assist them or bring the item they request. If a “…” bubble is present, the passenger is still making up their mind. Give them a little more time!
When passengers ask for items or assistance, their order bubbles may display a certain color. Aid the passenger before the color drains from their bubble to earn bonus points!
- GREEN bubbles indicate normal service. Click on a passenger or bring them the item they ask for right away to receive a score bonus.
- PURPLE bubbles require your personal touch! You may need to click a button or perform a touch gesture in order to complete the service.
- BLUE bubbles indicate a minigame. Complete the minigame to finish the service or task at hand. To view a full list of Amber’s Airline – High Hopes minigames, check out the Minigames section of our guide.
Once a customer has received full assistance and all the items they ask for, they’ll move to the checkout tablet. Click on the tablet register to check them out and earn a final score based on your service.
Scoring and Passenger Happiness
Each airline passenger will have hearts above their head. These hearts indicate how happy they are. The faster you serve or assist them, the happier they’ll be and the more the hearts above their head will fill. Hearts are converted into scores once the passenger is checked in.
Passengers may lose hearts over time if you don’t assist them quickly enough. The fewer hearts a customer has, the more unhappy they’ll be. If a customer loses all their hearts, they may leave without paying!
Ecstatic passengers with maximum happiness will have golden hearts above their head. Golden heart passengers will have infinite patience at the checkout tablet and earn you the highest scores. Serve passengers exactly what they need quickly to earn these golden hearts!
Earn bonus points by checking out passengers in groups. You can check out a group of up to 5 passengers at once. Golden-heart customers can wait at the register indefinitely, but customers without golden hearts will eventually have their hearts deplete over time if they wait too long.
Mice Locations
Carl the mouse is back and hiding out in each of the game’s 60 story levels. If you can find him, you’ll earn a score bonus and can even unlock a special trophy! Click on “Show Mouse Location” below any level in the guide below to be taken to an image revealing the hidden mouse location. For a complete list of all mouse locations, visit the Mouse Locations section.
Once you’ve selected a level in the level select map and click “Play”, you’ll have the option to view or purchase upgrades for that chapter location. Upgrades can offer unique bonuses to improve your service or abilities.
Unlock coins to spend on upgrades by completing levels. The higher your score, the more coins you’ll earn!
Additional Tips and Tricks
- Carl the Mouse – Carl the Mouse is hiding in each of the game’s 60 story levels. Keep a sharp look out and listen for his tell-tale squeaks!
- You Two, Trade Seats! – Swap customers between stations to increase your efficiency!
- We Can Offer You an Upgrade – Purchase upgrades after selecting a level to obtain special bonuses that will help you earn higher scores. Upgrades purchased during any level will apply to all the levels of that chapter’s location.
- I Feel Golden – Serve or assist passengers quickly to increase their happiness. If a customer has gold hearts, they’ll be willing to wait at the check-in tablet as long as you need without losing their score potential.
- Time Out! – The shift clock and timer, as well as any timers on customers’ order bubbles will pause as soon as you start a minigame. Be quick, though – minigames have timers, too!
- Taking a Moment to Recharge – During Chapter 2, recharge the security wands at the very start of the day to get a head-start and prevent having to charge them later.
- Limited Availability – Restock any limited-stock items at the very start of your shift. This will give you an advantage for later in the day when things start to pick up!
- The Diamond Standard – Complete story level challenges to earn diamonds. You can also earn up to 3 diamonds per challenge level. Diamonds can be used to purchase accessories for Amber’s personal diary. Click on the diamond icon in the upper right corner of the level select map to customize Amber’s diary!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Amber’s Diary
Thank you for choosing Amber’s Airline. We hope you enjoy your flight!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Walkthrough
Welcome aboard the Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Official Walkthrough! This is the complete official strategy guide featuring all levels, trophies, mice locations, and more! Get started by choosing a topic from the list of Contents above or keep scrolling to dive right in. We hope you enjoy your flight!
Chapter 1 – Check-In
Chapter 1 contains story Levels 1 – 10 at the check-in counter of the airport.
Level 1 – New Beginnings
Score at least 1 star.
Welcome to the crew of Amber’s Airline! Since it’s your first day, your tasks today will be simple. Score at least 1 star by assisting passengers who enter the airport. Check them in at the check-in counter, retrieve tags for their luggage, and assist them with obtaining their boarding pass. Once a customer is ready to check in, they’ll move to the checkout monitor, or black touch-tablet. Click on the tablet to send them on their way!
Level 2 – Dream Team
Help Amber revise for her exam.
Today’s tasks include a bonus challenge: Help Amber revise for her exam. At the start of the day, a “!” bubble will appear over a stack of papers next to the checkout tablet. Click on the papers to have Amber begin today’s bonus task. A meter will appear showing your progress. By finishing the task before the day’s end, you’ll earn an extra diamond to spend on Amber’s diary.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 2
Level 3 – Tensions Aboard
Check out 5 passengers with golden hearts.
Check out 5 passengers with golden hearts. The faster you assist a passenger or bring them the items they need, the happier they’ll be. When a customer reaches maximum happiness, the hearts over their head will turn gold. Golden-heart passengers will have infinite patience at the register and give the highest scores. Check out 5 of them today to complete this level’s bonus challenge.
Tip! Try keeping an extra stamped ticket on your tray to keep service moving lightning-fast!
Level 4 – Dating?
Text David to find a restaurant for the evening.
In addition to your usual task of checking in passengers, you’ll be tasked with finding a restaurant for the evening. Amber’s phone is lying on the counter next to the check-in tablet. A “!” bubble will appear over the phone whenever Amber receives a call. Click on the phone while the “!” bubble is present to call about a restaurant. Complete the task 4 times today to finish today’s bonus challenge with a diamond.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 4
Level 5 – Keep Fighting!
Get 8 quick service bonuses to build Amber’s confidence.
Today is all about fast service. Earn 8 quick bonuses to complete today’s challenge. Quick bonuses can be earned by assisting customers before the color drains from their request bubble. You can also earn quick bonuses by bringing passengers the items they ask for within a handful of seconds of their order. The key word is “quick”!
Level 6 – First, Help Yourself
Don’t run out of surveys.
Don’t run out of surveys today! Surveys sit on the rightmost counter. The number at the bottom right corner of the survey stack indicates how many surveys are remaining. To restock the number of surveys on the counter, click on the box beneath the luggage tag (shown below):
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 6
Level 7 – You’re Not Going to Die
Keep Adrian calm.
Adrian’s feeling nervous today, so try to keep him calm. A meter will appear over Adrian’s head indicating his anxiety level. Click on Adrian to reassure him, refilling the bar. If you can keep the bar from emptying completely at any point during the day, you’ll earn a diamond for your efforts.
Tip! You can click on Adrian at any time to stop the progress of his bar emptying, including when Amber is busy helping customers.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 7
Level 8 – A Natural Leader
Find the lost surveys.
Oh no, the surveys have gone everywhere! Find 5 lost surveys before the end of your shift. Their locations are pictured below:
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 8
Level 9 – Of Course I Can
Pick up the swimsuit from Elise.
Pick up the swimsuit from Elise. During your shift, Elise will enter the lobby and a “!” bubble will appear over her head. Click on Elise to talk with her. Interact with Elise 3 times today to complete today’s goal.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 9
Level 10 – Diving Time
Amber is stressed. Stop her from moving around to release some pressure.
Today’s challenge is all about stress management. Try to limit Amber’s movements and give her a chance to rest between tasks. A meter in the upper right corner will keep track of Amber’s stress levels. The more Amber moves, the more stressed she’ll become and the more the meter will empty. Don’t let it empty completely. Instead, wait a few seconds and watch it fill back up! Manage Amber’s stress effectively and you’ll earn a diamond for your efforts.
Chapter 2 – Security Check
Chapter 2 contains story levels 11 – 20 at the security check area of the airport.
Level 11 – Promise
Clean up Pamela’s leftovers.
Pamela’s left a few things behind at the security check… Find the 4 items Pamela left behind. Their locations are shown below:
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 11
Level 12 – Wonder Women
Ask Elise some probing questions.
Today’s goal involves asking Elise a few probing questions… A “!” bubble will appear over Elise’s head whenever she’s available for questioning. Successfully question Elise 3 times today to complete today’s bonus challenge.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 12
Level 13 – Partner in Crime
Amber needs energy. Walk at least 300 meters.
Today’s goal is to keep Amber on her toes! Walk at least 300 yards during your shift.
Tip! Alternate clicking between the bin collection station, the security station, and/or the check-out tablet to keep Amber moving even when you’re not helping customers.
Level 14 – Nanny
Stop Elise’s kids messing around.
Elise’s children are fidgety. Stop the children from getting into trouble by clicking on them whenever a “!” bubble appears above them. Be careful, though! Like any restless child, they’ll wander quickly. Try to intercept them as soon as the bubble appears to keep the situation under control. Keep the kids from wandering 4 times successfully and you’ll earn a diamond for your efforts.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 14
Level 15 – Turn a Blind Eye
Install the second platform.
The security check has been busy and it’s time to install a second platform. Click on the box marked with a “!” bubble on the left to unpack the second security platform. A meter will appear displaying your progress. Finish installing it before the end of your shift to complete today’s bonus goal.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 15
Level 16 – Movie Night
Complete 10 passengers’ services in under a minute.
Today’s the perfect day to show passengers how quick you are. Complete 10 passengers’ services in under 1 minute. A meter in the upper right corner will help you keep track of your progress.
Tip! Restock the bins at the start of the day. You can also charge the security wand by clicking on the charger next to the recycle bin. That way you’ll be able to assist customers without waiting for the wand to charge.
Level 17 – Daydreaming
Earn 12 hearts in the X-ray minigame.
Rage against the machine and earn 12 hearts at the x-ray minigame. Having trouble figuring it out or understanding how it works? Check out the Minigames section for help!
Level 18 – Welcome McDreamy!
Try to find out what’s inside Clark’s baggage.
There’s something funny going on with Clark’s luggage… Clark’s been taken aside into the luggage check area. During your shift a “!” bubble will appear over his suitcase. Click on the suitcase when the bubble appears to question Clark about the contents of his luggage. Do 3 checks of his suitcase successfully to complete today’s bonus goal.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 18
Level 19 – Call Me Maybe
Refill 10 baskets.
There’s plenty of passengers coming through the security check today, so keep those bins and baskets stocked! Click on the stack above the x-ray machine to restock the bins.
Tip! Complete today’s challenge faster by restocking at the very start of the day. If you want to complete the goal faster still, click on the bins to add them to your inventory tray, then click on them while they’re on the tray to remove them. Restock and repeat until the goal is complete, just make sure there’s some left for passengers!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 19
Level 20 – Let’s Go to Tahiti
Find a place to buy food for Amber’s fish.
Pets are important. Find a place to buy food for Amber’s fish. Amber’s phone is lying on the counter above the checkout tablet. Click on the phone to have Amber search. A meter will appear displaying your progress. Finish her search and fill the meter before the end of the day to complete today’s bonus goal.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 20
Chapter 3 – Lounge
Chapter 3 contains story levels 21 – 30 in the airport lounge.
Level 21 – Beautiful Encounter
Receive new decorations for the lounge.
Delivery incoming! A deliveryman will appear throughout the day with decorations to drop off. Click on the deliveryman marked with a “!” bubble when he appears to collect the packages. Collect all 3 before the end of the day to complete today’s challenge.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 21
Level 22 – Lounge Treatment
Pick up the drinking glasses left in the lounge.
It’s time to clean up the lounge. Collect all 5 sets of drinking glasses lying around the lounge to complete today’s bonus goal. Their locations are shown below:
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 22
Level 23 – Aita Pea Pea
Keep Amber awake by not staying idle more than 9 seconds.
Amber needs to stay awake for her shift, and that means keeping her on her toes. To keep Amber moving when she’s not assisting passengers, alternate clicking between stations, such as the checkout tablet and the drinking glass.
Tip! The drinking glass won’t be added to your tray as an item unless you choose a beverage to go with it. This makes it an ideal go-to when it comes to keeping Amber moving!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 23
Level 24 – Stay Positive!
Serve pilots from the crew that arrive in the lounge.
The pilots are stopping by the lounge today. Every time a pilot appears, assist them and bring them any products they may ask for as quickly as possible. These guys are flying the plane, so it’s important to keep them happy! Assist 4 pilots before the end of your shift to complete today’s bonus challenge.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 24
Level 25 – Shopping
Prepare 5 coffees.
Prepare 5 coffees using the coffee machine today. Click on the machine to start brewing a cup of coffee. Once the needle lands in the green zone, click on the mug to add it to your tray.
Tip! You can prepare coffee even when passengers haven’t ordered a cup. Start by brewing coffee as soon as the day starts and continue until you’ve met your goal. You can remove any extra coffee by clicking on the tray icon.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 25
Level 26 – Surprised?
Walk less than 500 meters.
Amber needs to save her energy. Walk as little as possible during today’s shift. Try grouping passengers’ orders in such a way that you can pick up multiple items in an area at once, allowing you to minimize steps taken today. Check out customers in larger groups to save on energy.
Level 27 – Miss You…
Quickly serve 10 passengers at the egg stations.
Earn 10 quick service bonuses by serving customers at the egg stations. The egg stations refer to the egg-shaped chairs in the upper left corner. Attend to these customers as soon as they sit down and bring them the items they ask for. If you can do it before the color drains from their order bubble, you’ll earn a quick bonus.
Tip! Is coffee popular? Try keeping an extra mug on your tray for faster service!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 27
Level 28 – Social Responsibilities
Earn 12 hearts in the Champagne minigame.
Show your class at the bar and earn 12 hearts total from the champagne minigame today. If you’re having trouble, try checking out the Minigame section!
Level 29 – Big Girls Don’t Cry
Carefully pack the present for Elise!
Carefully pack the present for Elise. Elise’s gift is marked with a “!” bubble at the bar. Click on the present to start packing. A meter will appear displaying your progress. Finish packing the gift before the end of your shift to earn a diamond.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 29
Level 30 – Can’t Breathe
Gather Amber’s stuff, so she can take it back to Snuggford.
Gather up Amber’s belongings. Amber’s bag is sitting next to the viewpoint telescope. Click on the bag marked with a “!” bubble to begin packing. Finish packing before the end of your shift to earn a diamond for today’s bonus challenge.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 30
Chapter 4 – Airplane
Chapter 4 contains story levels 31 – 40 aboard the airplane.
Level 31 – Congratulations!
Prove your skills by checking out 10 passengers with golden hearts.
This chapter works a little differently since everyone’s aboard a plane. You may be serving seated passengers multiple times before you have an opportunity to earn golden hearts. Serve and assist passengers quickly – the faster the service, the more hearts you’ll earn! Check out 10 passengers with golden hearts to start off your flight with that all-important smile.
Level 32 – Flight Club
Pick up the pink soap that fell on the floor.
Nobody wants to slip on an airplane! Pick up 5 bars of soap scattered across the floor of the plane. Their locations are pictured below:
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 32
Level 33 – Girls Want to Have Fun
Take care of the annoying kid.
Flights can be problematic for children who are stuck in a seat for too long. Keep a close eye on the child seated on the left. A meter will appear over his head indicating his level of patience. The closer to empty the meter is, the more the child will act out. Click on the child at any point to help calm them down. If you can keep the kid from throwing a tantrum until the end of your shift, you’ll obtain a well-earned diamond to add to Amber’s diary.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 33
Level 34 – An Amazing Job!
Amber wants to do well. Earn 12 hearts in the safety instructions minigame.
Show off your stewardess skills and earn 12 hearts from the safety instructions minigame. Having trouble? Check out the Minigame section for more in-depth instruction!
Level 35 – Amber the Tour Guide
Provide info about nearby landmarks using the microphone.
Use the microphone on the upper left to provide information about nearby landmarks. Whenever a “!” bubble appears over the phone-like announcement device, click on it to provide fun and interesting facts for the passengers. Do this a total of 3 times today to earn a diamond for top-notch service.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 35
Level 36 – Cornelian Choice
Don’t have more than 1 item on your tray at any time.
Quality is key. Don’t add more than 1 item to your inventory tray at any point during your shift today. This will mean extra trips, so be prepared!
Tip! Restocking items does not count toward tray items. You can heat hotdogs and prepare comfort item restocks without worrying about failing today’s challenge.
Level 37 – Family Business
Karen is angry. Serve her what she wants, quickly!
Karen’s not in a good mood. During your shift, Karen will wander in to the passenger area and demand items. Bring Karen the item she asks for before the color drains from her order bubble. Do this successfully 4 times today to avoid her wrath and earn a diamond.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 37
Level 38 – Self-Control
Prepare 8 hot dogs!
Prepare 8 hot dogs during your shift. Click on the plate, followed by the hot dog at the top of the screen. Once the hot dog has been cooked in the microwave, click on the microwave to restock the food tray hot dogs on the left. Click on the tray, followed by the hot dog to create a meal tray.
Tip! Move through today’s challenge faster by starting preparations at the very beginning of your shift. Remember you can cross off any excess items by clicking the product icon on your inventory tray.
Level 39 – Humans Make Mistakes
Never run out of stock of plates.
Don’t let any food tray items run out of stock today. If you notice the hot dog or hamburger stock on the left running low, cook up some more by using the microwave at the top of the screen. Keep on top of stock by always preparing new food items as soon as the stock reaches 2 or lower. If stock is at 1, stop service of the food item until you can prepare more.
Level 40 – Thunderstruck
The sky is looking pretty threatening… Reassure the scared passengers!
The passengers are getting a bit scared. Each time the plane experiences rough turbulence, a passenger will become distressed and a “!” bubble will appear over their head. Click on the passenger to reassure them. Reassure passengers 3 times during your shift to complete today’s goal.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 40
Chapter 5 – Island
Chapter 5 contains story levels 41 – 50 on a mysterious island.
Level 41 – Prejudice
Clear the beach of debris from the plane.
A new day, a new location. Assign passengers to logs or mats to assist them further. You can prepare fish by clicking on the spit, followed by the fish below the fire. Restock fish using the fishing rod on the right.
Remove the excess debris lying around the beach to complete today’s bonus challenge. There are 5 pieces of debris to collect. Their locations are shown below:
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 41
Level 42 – Natural Leader
Get 15 quick service bonuses.
Assist passengers quickly to earn quick service bonuses. By assisting them before the color drains from their bubble, or bringing them items quickly, you’ll earn quick bonuses. Earn a total of 15 quick service bonuses before the end of your shift.
Level 43 – Life Must Go On
Earn 12 hearts in the wood minigame in order to build the shelter.
Show the passengers you’re a true survivalist by mastering the wood-splitting minigame. Earn 12 hearts by splitting wood. If you need a few pointers, check out the Minigames section of our walkthrough!
Level 44 – Cast Away
Resources are valuable. Don’t remove any items from your tray.
Be careful with item stock today and don’t remove any items from your tray. Take extra care when picking up items and taking orders – it’s better to play slow and steady to complete today’s challenge.
Level 45 – Embrace Your Fears
Take the wood from the passengers to maintain the fire in the camp.
Everyone’s together in this! Collect wood from the passengers to help maintain the fire. Passengers donating wood will stop on the left side of the screen and a “!” bubble will appear over their head. Click on them to stoke the fire. Do this 4 times to complete today’s challenge. If only you could eat diamonds…
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 45
Level 46 – Dear Teddy
Prevent the little girl from looking for her Teddy!
Keep things under control and prevent the little girl from searching for her Teddy. The little girl will wait at the top of the screen. When she starts to look around, a “!” bubble will appear over her head. Click on the little girl to reassure her and send her back to her starting location. If you can prevent her from searching 4 times, you’ll earn a diamond for today’s challenge.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 46
Level 47 – Old Memories
Don’t spend more than 20 seconds in the bandages minigame.
Show the passengers your mastery of medicine and don’t spend more than 20 seconds in the first aid bandages minigame. If you’re having trouble, try checking out the Minigame section!
Level 48 – Exotic Commitment
Take care of Clark.
Clark’s in bad shape. He’ll be lying on the ground in the bottom right corner and a meter will appear over his head. Tend to Clark by clicking on him before the meter empties completely. Each time you tend to Clark, the meter will refill. Prevent the meter from emptying at any point to complete today’s story challenge.
Tip! By clicking on Clark, the meter will stop emptying, even if Amber is still busy attending to other tasks.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 48
Level 49 – Into the Wild
Prepare 12 fish skewers.
A survival challenge turns into a game of deadliest catch with today’s story challenge: Prepare 12 fish skewers. Click on a spit, followed by a fish to cook it on the fire. Remember to remove the fish once it’s done and the needle lands in the green zone! You’ll need to restock fish using the fishing rod on the right. This is one challenge you’ll want to start at the very beginning of the day in order to make the most of your time.
Tip! Fish taking up space on your tray? Try removing one by clicking on the cooked fish icon.
Level 50 – The Snuggford Airline Family
Fire flares to guide the rescue team.
It’s time to signal the rescue team! Click on the box of flares in the lower right corner each time the “!” bubble appears. Each time you successfully click on the flare box, Amber will fire off a flare. Repeat this a total of 3 times today to find rescue!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 50
Chapter 6 – V.I.P. Plane
Chapter 6 contains story levels 51 – 60 aboard a luxury airliner.
Level 51 – Ticket to Fame
Karen is missing! Help the other crew members out during your shift.
The other crew members will need a bit of extra help from you today. Throughout your shift, other crew members will wander into the seating area and ask for a product. Bring them the item they ask for without keeping them waiting too long. Successfully help your fellow crew members 4 times to complete today’s bonus goal.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 51
Level 52 – Things are Heating Up
Serve cocktails in less than 5 seconds to keep them fresh!
Nothing’s quite as refreshing as a fresh cocktail, and it’s all the rage in the cabin today. As soon as you finish making a cocktail, bring it to the passenger right away – don’t wait! Serve every cocktail within 5 seconds to earn a diamond for quality service.
Level 53 – Fresh Start
Prepare 8 cocktails.
Prepare a total of 8 cocktails during your shift today. If you need to clear extra space on your tray, click on the cocktail icon in the lower left corner once it’s prepared to remove it. Don’t forget to keep those glasses in stock!
Level 54 – What is Love
Pick up the glasses that Amber dropped on the floor.
Oops! Accidents are bound to happen… Pick up all 8 glasses scattered around the cabin to complete today’s challenge. Their locations are pictured below:
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 54
Level 55 – X-rays Show Everything!
Serve at least two seated passengers in a row, three times.
Today’s all about planning. Serve two customers back-to-back without picking up any new items or restocking anything between serving them. Repeat serving two customers consecutively a total of 3 times today to complete today’s challenge.
Level 56 – An Adventurous Job!
Don’t run out of glasses.
Present your first-class service by never letting the stock of glasses reach 0 today. Restock the drink glasses by clicking the glasses beneath the bar counter. It’s recommended you restock as soon as stock reaches 2. If stock reaches 1, pause all drink service until you can restock.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 56
Level 57 – Happy Girl
Discover Elise’s big news.
Elise has exciting news! Each time Elise wanders into the cabin and a “!” bubble appears over her, click on her to hear her big news. Repeat this a total of 3 times successfully to learn what’s new and earn a diamond while doing it.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Level 57
Level 58 – Confession
Earn 12 hearts in the wine minigame.
Showcase your excellent bartending skills by earning 12 hearts during the wine-pouring minigame. Having trouble making the mark? Check out the Minigames section of this guide!
Level 59 – Cosmojito!
Don’t pick up the same item twice in a row.
Time to put your time management skills to the ultimate test! Don’t pick up the same item twice in a row at any point today. If two customers order the same item at the same time, make sure you pick up a different item inbetween. Remove any excess items from your tray by clicking the product icon.
Level 60 – Free Bird
Don’t remove any item from your tray!
Show the passengers you’ve perfected the art of being a flight hostess and don’t remove any items from your tray. If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed, take a moment, breathe – you’ve got this!
You’ve completed Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Challenges
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition features more than a great story. Each chapter contains 5 bonus challenge levels. These bonus levels present unique challenges that will award you with extra diamonds to spend on Amber’s diary. Can you beat all 30 challenge levels? Scroll down to get started!
Chapter 1 – Check-In
Challenge 1 – Whack-A-Mole
Find as many Carls as you can!
Carl the mouse is on a rampage! Find as many mice as you can within the time limit. Carl can appear almost anywhere, so keep a sharp eye out for our whiskered friend!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 1
Challenge 2 – Elise, Help Me!
Play as Elise at the check-in area.
Play as Elise in this bonus challenge!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 2
Challenge 3 – Let’s Repair It!
The conveyor belt is malfunctioning…
The conveyor belt is experiencing technical issues… Each time the belt breaks down, an alarm will go off and a “!” bubble will appear. Click on the “!” bubble to fix the belt before you continue attending to passengers.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 3
Challenge 4 – Minigame Mayhem
Score big by completing as many minigames as possible!
Today’s challenge is pure minigame! Score big by completing as many minigames as possible within the time limit. Need help with a minigame? Check out strategies in the Minigame section of this walkthrough.
Challenge 5 – Rush Hour
Check in as many passengers as you can!
Check in as many passengers as you possibly can within the time limit. People are anxious to get to their flights!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 5
Chapter 2 – Security Check
Challenge 6 – Whack-A-Mole
Find as many Carls as you can!
Carl is back and scampering all over! Find as many mice as you can within the time limit. Carl can appear anywhere, so keep a sharp eye out for the mischievous mouse!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 6
Challenge 7 – Let’s Repair It!
The X-ray computer is malfunctioning…
Not the x-ray machine! Throughout this challenge level the x-ray machine will break down. Each time it does, an alarm will go off and a “!” bubble will appear. Click on the machine to fix it before assisting more passengers.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 7
Challenge 8 – Minigame Mayhem
Score big by completing as many minigames as possible!
Minigame mayhem returns! Score big by completing as many minigames as possible within the time limit. Need help with a minigame? Check out strategies in the Minigame section of this walkthrough.
Challenge 9 – Stock Restrictions
Someone took your baskets! Hank will stop by with extras as and when he can!
Hank to the rescue! The item bins are low on stock today, and the restock pile is nowhere to be found. Each time Hank appears with a “!” bubble over his head, click on him to restock the bins. Note that some customers may be kept waiting at the security station for bins until Hank arrives.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 9
Challenge 10 – Adrian, Help Me!
Play as Adrian in the security check area!
Today is all about Adrian! Play as Adrian in the security check area.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 10
Chapter 3 – Lounge
Challenge 11 – Pamela, Help Me!
Play as Pamela in the lounge.
Show off your fabulous side and play as Pamela in the lounge.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 11
Challenge 12 – Whack-A-Mole
Find as many Carls as you can!
Carl is back, and it’s anything but relaxing! Find as many mice as possible within the time limit. Carl the mouse can appear anywhere, so keep on your toes!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 12
Challenge 13 – Clean Armchairs
Someone stained the armchair! You have to clean it!
One of the lounge armchairs is a mess, and it’s up to you to clean it! Click on the armchair marked with a “!” bubble at the start of the day to begin cleaning the chair. Strike a balance between cleaning and serving passengers to make the most of today’s bonus challenge.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 13
Challenge 14 – VIP Passenger
A VIP superstar is going to relax in your lounge today!
There’s a VIP in the lounge today! The VIP is easy to spot – he’s got a ton of hearts! Pay extra special attention to the VIP to earn the highest scores. You’ll need to serve the VIP multiple times quickly in order to complete today’s challenge effectively.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 14
Challenge 15 – Minigame Mayhem
Score big by completing as many minigames as possible!
Minigame magic returns! Score big by completing as many minigames as possible within the time limit. Need help with a minigame? Check out strategies in the Minigame section of this walkthrough.
Chapter 4 – Airplane
Challenge 16 – Whack-A-Mole
Find as many Carls as you can!
Mice don’t need tickets, as Carl clearly demonstrates. Find as many mice as possible within the time limit. Mice can appear anywhere in this challenge, so keep a sharp look out!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 16
Challenge 17 – Let’s Repair It!
The microwave is malfunctioning…
The microwave is breaking down today, and it’s up to you to fix it. Click on the microwave each time the “!” bubble appears to repair the device. Try keeping hot dogs as well-stocked as possible in order to most effectively make it through today’s challenge.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 17
Challenge 18 – Riders on the Storm
The weather is very bad today…
The weather is rough today. The cabin is darker, the lights will flicker, and you’ll lose sight of the inside of the cabin from time to time. Keep calm and carry on!
Challenge 19 – Minigame Mayhem
Score big by completing as many minigames as possible!
A good stewardess can take on any challenge! Score big by completing as many minigames as possible within the time limit. Need help with a minigame? Check out strategies in the Minigame section of this walkthrough.
Challenge 20 – Elise, Help Me!
Play as Elise in the plane.
It’s time to shine! Play as Elise aboard the airplane.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 20
Chapter 5 – Island
Challenge 21 – Let’s Light It!
The campfire has burnt out. Add wood to relight it.
The fire is struggling to stay lit. Each time a “!” bubble appears above the fire, click on it to add wood and prevent it from going out.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 21
Challenge 22 – Whack-A-Mole
Find as many Carls as you can!
There’s no escaping the mice! Carl the mouse is stranded, too. Find as many mice as possible before time’s up. Keep a look out, because mice can appear anywhere!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 22
Challenge 23 – Slow Passengers
Because of the heat, passengers are slower.
Passengers are feeling sluggish. Work with slower passengers and help them make up for lost time.
Challenge 24 – Minigame Mayhem
Score big by completing as many minigames as possible!
The island has seen its share of challenges – now it’s time for the minigames! Score big by completing as many minigames as possible within the time limit. Need help with a minigame? Check out strategies in the Minigame section of this walkthrough.
Challenge 25 – Rush Hour
Take care of as many passengers as you can!
All the passengers are in a hurry with rumors of a rescue operation. Take care of as many passengers as you can within the time limit!
Chapter 6 – V.I.P. Plane
Challenge 26 – Whack-A-Mole
Find as many Carls as you can!
If a mouse flies first class, does it have to pay for a whole seat? It’s pretty obvious Carl the mouse is a stowaway. Find as many mice as you can within the time limit. Carl the mouse can appear anywhere, so keep a sharp eye out!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 26
Challenge 27 – Karen, Help Me!
Play as Karen in the plane!
Show the passengers the definition of quality service and play as Karen.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 27
Challenge 28 – Riders on the Storm
The weather is very bad today…
The cabin’s dim, the plane is bumpy, and the lights keep flickering. Push through and keep passengers comfortable during today’s challenging flight.
Challenge 29 – Minigame Mayhem
Score big by completing as many minigames as possible!
Score big by completing as many minigames as possible within the time limit. Need help with a minigame? Check out tips in the Minigame section.
Challenge 30 – Let’s Fill It!
You’ll need to fill the bottles!
The beverage-dispensing bottles need to be filled before you can serve drinks. Click on the bottles marked by a “!” bubble at the start of the day to fill them. Drinks, anyone?
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Challenge 30
You’ve completed all the Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition challenges!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Minigames
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition features several short, fast-paced minigames. These travel-size challenges will test your speed and attention to detail. Having trouble with a minigame? Scroll down to learn how to play!
Check-In Minigames: Levels 1 – 10
Luggage Size Minigame
Click on the suitcase handle and pockets to close them, then click and hold, rotating the suitcase until it fits in the basket.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Luggage Size Minigame
Ticket Check Minigame
Check the passenger’s ticket for time of boarding and destination. Then click on the correct option matching the flight information on the tablet on the right.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Ticket Check Minigame
Luggage Weight Minigame
Check the weight of the suitcase using the scale at the bottom of the conveyor belt. Click the matching color using the buttons on the right. Once the ticket has been printed, click and drag to attach it to the suitcase.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Luggage Weight Minigame
Security Check Minigames: Levels 11 – 20
Security Bin Minigame
Click and hold the passenger’s belongings and place them into the tray. Arrange the items in such a way that no items are overlapping or on top of each other.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Security Bin Minigame
X-ray Minigame
Slide the yellow button on the right up or down to locate dangerous objects. Once a dangerous object has been found, click on the item to remove it.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – X-ray Minigame
Search Minigame
Click and hold the security wand and move it over the passenger. Hold the detector over the white circles that appear to find suspicious items.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Search Minigame
Lounge Minigames: Levels 21 – 30
Latte Art Minigame
Click and move the buttons as directed over the latte to create foam art in the coffee.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Latte Art Minigame
Pour Champagne Minigame
Click once the champagne fills the glass to the green line shown. The size of the green area varies per glass.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Pour Champagne Minigame
Adjust Armchair Minigame
Adjust the height, back, and footrest of the seat by clicking the yellow button and moving it into the white outline shown.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Adjust Armchair Minigame
Airplane Minigames: Levels 31 – 40
Fasten Seatbelt Minigame
Fasten the seatbelt by moving the buckle to the clasp, then tighten the seatbelt by clicking and pulling the strap.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Fasten Seatbelt Minigame
Food Cart Minigame
Find the item the passenger asks for and click on it.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Food Cart Minigame
Safety Instructions Minigame
Click on the white circles shown, then slide the button that appears to move your arms into the same position.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Safety Instructions Minigame
Island Minigames: Levels 41 – 50
Coconut Splitting Minigame
Click the coconut repeatedly until it splits open.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Coconut Splitting Minigame
Chopping Wood Minigame
Click and hold, swiping downward into the notch shown in the piece of wood. A long or strong swipe in the correct spot will split the log in a single motion!
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Chopping Wood Minigame
First Aid Minigame
Click on each of the scratches and injuries shown to apply band-aids from the medical kit.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – First Aid Minigame
VIP Plane Minigames: Levels 51 – 60
Pour Wine Minigame
Click once the pouring wine fills the glass to the green area. The size of the green area differs per glass.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Pour Wine Minigame
Adjust Seat Minigame
Adjust the height, back, and footrest of the seat by clicking the yellow button and moving it into the white outline shown.
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Adjust Seat Minigame
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Mouse Locations
Calling all passengers! Oh, but not you, Carl! Carl the mouse is ready to travel and appears in each of the 60 story levels of Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition. Can you find all the mice? This section of our walkthrough reveals every hidden mouse location.
Chapter 1 – Check-In
All mouse locations for Levels 1 – 10:
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Chapter 1 Mouse Locations – Levels 1 – 10
Chapter 2 – Security Check
All mouse locations for Levels 11 – 20:
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Chapter 2 Mouse Locations – Levels 11 – 20
Chapter 3 – Lounge
All mouse locations for Levels 21 – 30:
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Chapter 3 Mouse Locations – Levels 21 – 30
Chapter 4 – Airplane
All mouse locations for Levels 31 – 40:
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Chapter 4 Mouse Locations – Levels 31 – 40
Chapter 5 – Island
All mouse locations for Levels 41 – 50:
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Chapter 5 Mouse Locations – Levels 41 – 50
Chapter 6 – V.I.P. Plane
All mouse locations for Levels 51 – 60:
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Collector’s Edition – Chapter 6 Mouse Locations – Levels 51 – 60
Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Trophies
Show the world you’re first-class with 16 unlockable achievements. View the complete achievement and trophy list below, including how to unlock all Amber’s Airline – High Hopes trophies. Trophies can be viewed by clicking the journal icon in the upper right corner of the level select map.
Achievement Name Description How to Unlock My First Contest Finish the first day with at least one star. Complete Level 1 with a score of one star or higher. Ready to Customize! Personalize Amber’s diary for the first time. Select the diamond icon in the upper right corner of the level select screen. Purchase one upgrade for Amber’s diary using diamonds. Rising Hope Finish all levels in chapter 1. Earn at least one star each on story Levels 1 – 10. My First Flight Finish all levels in chapter 2. Earn at least one star each on story Levels 11 – 20. I Breathe Finish all levels in chapter 3. Earn at least one star each on story Levels 21 – 30. Skyfall Finish all levels in chapter 4. Earn at least one star each on story Levels 31 – 40. Relieved Team Finish all levels in chapter 5. Earn at least one star each on story Levels 41 – 50. Face the Past Finish all levels in chapter 6. Earn at least one star each on story Levels 51 – 60. Tidy It Up! Restock 250 items. Restock a total of 250 items across all levels. Straw in the Hair Check out 400 passengers with golden hearts. Check out a total of 400 passengers with golden hearts across all levels. I Need My Heels Walk 40,000 yards. Walk a total of 40,000 yards across all levels. Click between locations to keep Amber walking when she’s not picking up items or assisting passengers. My Fear of Water Serve 300 liquid products. Serve a total of 300 liquid products including beverages across all levels. Sushi is Jelly Find the mouse in each story level. Find all 60 mice hidden throughout the game. For a complete list, view the Mouse Locations section. The Place to Be Buy every upgrade in every department. Purchase every upgrade for every location across all chapters. Access the Shop by selecting any level from the level select map. The Shop is unique per chapter. He Wanted to Travel Fully personalize the diary. Purchase all upgrades for Amber’s diary. Amber’s diary can be viewed by clicking the diamond icon in the upper right corner of the level select map. A New Beginning Unlock all other diary pages. Unlock all other achievements to unlock this final trophy. The Amber’s Airline – High Hopes Official Walkthrough is meant as a guide and does not contain cheats, hacks, or serials.
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